RMH (Retail Management Hero)


  • When prompted for program name, enter “PaymentEngineRMH”

  • Follow the installation instructions:

    • The default download location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Retail Hero\RMH POS\Extensions\PaymentEngineRMH

  • In the POS Manager Setup > Financial > Tender Types:

    • A type with the description “Credit Card” is required.

    • For Gift Card, a type with the description “Gift Card” is required.

  • Add the Custom POS buttons (see below)

  • Restart the POS.

Custom Buttons

  • In the POS Manager Setup > Hardware > Custom POS Buttons

  • For Settings Management, add a custom button with the following information:

    1. Style : Internal Command

    2. Caption : Settings

    3. Command: CustomActionCommand "paymentenginemanager65b4fe30-6fa4-4e71-af5b-71c9c1a07802"

  • There should be two options:

    • Change Key: This allows changing the xKey stored in the database.

    • Change Settings: This allows modifying the settings.

Changing the key from the settings window will update the xKey stored in the database.

  • For Gift Card:Balance, add a custom button with the following command:

    1. Style: Internal Command

    2. Caption: Gift Balance

    3. Command: CustomActionCommand "giftcardgetbalancee62227dd-ee9b-41b0-8390-161226f95436"


Step 1: Configure or create EBTFS and EBTCB as tender types

EBT Tender

  1. Open the store Store Operations Manager and go to Financial > Tender Types.

  2. If “EBTFS” is listed as an existing tender type, select it, click on Properties, and continue to the next step. If it is not listed:

    1. Click New

    2. Set Description: “EBT Food Stamp”

    3. Set Tender Code: EBTFS

  3. For tender type, select “Food Stamp”

EBT Cash Tender

  1. Open the store Store Operations Manager and go to Financial > Tender Types.

  2. If “EBTCB” is listed as an existing tender type, select it, click on Properties, and continue to the next step. If it is not listed:

    1. Click New

    2. Set Description: “EBT Cash Benefit”

    3. Set Tender Code: EBTCB

  3. For tender type, select “Debit Card”

Step 2: Setting EBT Balance Custom Button

EBT Balance Command

For EBT Balance, add a custom button with the following information:

  1. Style: Internal Command

  2. Caption: EBT Balance

  3. Command: CustomActionCommand ebtBalance_0586D912-FC34-401B-A55E-0B977C7F47B0

To enable the saved card feature, open the Cardknox settings >> RMH settings and choose Enable Tokenization.

To enable Device Display Items, open the Cardknox settings >> RMH settings and choose Device Display Items.


The credit card information is set for Tender.data in a For each="Tender"

Last updated