Merchant Portal


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The Cardknox Merchant Portal is a revolutionary, user-friendly online platform for seamless management of Cardknox payment processing accounts. The intuitive and fluid interface features user-friendly, robust tools for:

  • Payment processing

  • Report creation

  • Batch and transaction history and filtering

  • Customer profile management

  • Recurring payment schedules

  • Email invoicing

  • PaymentSITE customization

  • Key management

  • User management

The Cardknox Development Team is continually adding new features and functionalities to further enhance the user experience.

This guide describes the main features of the Cardknox Merchant Portal. It contains information about features within the application with relevant screenshots, field descriptions, and procedures for managing your transactions and customer information.

Don’t yet have an account? Once you have a Merchant account set up with Cardknox, visit to register for online access to the Merchant portal.

Logging In

When you sign in to the Cardknox Merchant Portal, the application opens with the Welcome to Cardknox Portal screen and displays your company’s Dashboard. The Dashboard gives you a quick overview of what’s happening with your business and contains the most important data from the features you currently use. You can edit which screen displays upon login in User Settings.

Use the menu tabs on the left side of the welcome screen to navigate through the application and take action on your transaction data.


  • After 30 minutes of inactivity on any tab, the application closes. If you close your browser, the system clears your session after 15 minutes, and if you open a new browser window, you must log in again.

  • You can click the Collapse Menu button to collapse the menu bar at the left-hand side of any page, giving you more room to view data. Click the button again to expand the menu bar.


The Dashboard tab displays business information in a graphical format. The previous day’s data is displayed by default. Interactive graphics give you an at-a-glance view of your company’s current financial details all on one screen to help you spot trends and monitor activity. You’ll be able to see a breakdown of transaction types, counts, and amounts. See the item description table below for more information on these features.


The Transactions tab provides a quick overview of your existing transactions and enables you to view and manage all your transaction data from one page.

By default, the Transactions tab opens with the last 7 days of transaction records displayed. Click on “Last 7 Days” to select a different time period or define a custom time period.

At the top of each column, you can type in criteria text to filter the transaction data. For example, to see only transactions for April 3, 2020, type in 04/03/2020 in the text field at the top of the Date column.

Upon clicking a transaction reference number, you can view all transaction information— including the transaction date and time, amount, cardholder’s name, payment card account number and card type, approval status, transaction type, and a description of the transaction.

On the Transactions tab, you can perform the following actions:

  • Process a new transaction

  • Process a new transaction off of a previous transaction

  • Schedule a transaction for later processing

  • Search for a transaction

  • Export a transaction

  • Modify a transaction

  • Apply voids and refunds

  • Link a transaction to a customer


  • The Transactions tab opens with the last 7 days of data displayed by default.

  • Enter search criteria in the fields next to the column headings to search for a transaction.

  • Click the arrow to the right of any column heading to sort the column.

  • Click the arrow to the left of any row to expand the row and display transaction detail information.

  • Certain column headings display a screen tip when you hover your mouse over the column name.

  • Click between column headers to select and resize any column.

  • Customize your page view by selecting the columns you want to appear by default.

Note: Only a partial screen sample is displayed below. All fields are documented in the following item description table.

Expanded Search Features

Certain fields include drop-down menus you can use to narrow the results of your display settings. For example, the Command field menu displays a list of commands used in transactions. Click the arrow in the column headings for the following fields to open a menu with more search options:

  • Command

  • Currency

  • Payment Method

  • Result

  • 3D Secure Result

Calendar Button

  • Click the calendar button and choose an option from the list. Valid values are as follows:

    • Yesterday

    • Today

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • Last 60 Days

    • Last 90 Days

    • Custom

    If you choose Custom, the system opens a calendar you can use to select a date range and a time range. The following edits are in place:

    • The date you enter cannot exceed 7 days from today’s date

    • You must enter a valid date range (i.e., 2018 to 2019, not 2019 to 2018)

    • You can display up to 100 days of data

    • You cannot select dates in the future

    The system displays an error message if you enter an invalid date or date range.Select a date range in the calendar fields, select a time range in the From and To fields, and click Apply.


  • Click this button to select filter criteria (such as card number or status).

  • Click which filter to use, and type in the criteria in the text box that is displayed:

  • Click the right arrow (or press the Enter key) to apply the filter right away, or you can choose more criteria from the dropdown. To see more filters, click + Advanced.

Tip: To always display the Advanced filters, select the Always Expand checkbox.

  • Click Reset all to clear all selected filters in the Filters list. Click Done to close the dropdown and save your changes.

Reset Filter

  • Click this link to reset all filters.

  • When you click Reset filter, the system:

    • Clears all selected filters in the Filters list

    • Clears all selected options in the Settings button Available Columns list and reverts to the default column page view

New Transaction

  • Click this button to open the Add new transaction dialog box and create a new transaction

Download Button

  • Click this button to choose whether to export the current view or all transactions in CSV or Quickbooks format.


  • Click this button to print a transaction report.

  • Select Current view (PDF) to open a dialog box and print a report of the current view.

  • Select All transactions (PDF) to open a dialog box and print a report of all transactions.

Settings Button

  • Click the gear icon to change the transactions columns that are displayed while you are logged in to Cardknox. The columns you select from here are also reflected if you download a report from this screen.

  • On the dropdown, under Available Columns, select the columns you want to appear on the transactions list. Click Done to save your changes.

Note: If you click Reset filter, Cardknox clears all selected options in the Available Columns list and reverts to the default column page view.

To change the columns that are always displayed on this tab:

  1. Click Settings. Cardknox opens Report Settings with the Transaction Report displayed.

  2. In the Fields Configuration section, under the Show in Report section, you can select the columns you want to appear on the transactions list.

  3. Click Save. The columns you selected are saved as the default view.

Refresh Results

Show/hide Button

  • Click the right arrow to show the date range or click the down arrow to hide the date range

Load More

  • Displays options to select the number of transactions to display on the page.

    Valid options are as follows:

    • 50

    • 100

    • 500

    • 1000

    • All

Total Approved

  • Displays the count and total amount of all Approved and Auth-only transactions on the current page in the currency you select.


  • Displays the number of transactions in the current page

Total by Card

  • Click this link to open the Total by Card dialog box and view the total amount and count of Approved transactions by card type.

  • Click the Download button to export the current view in CSV format.

Display Transaction Details

You can view transaction details by clicking on a transaction row. This expands the view and opens the details section on the right-hand side of the screen.

To close the transaction details, click the X icon in the upper right corner.

In the upper right, action buttons let you print, email, download, and view a transaction receipt:

Below the transaction details, you can use the buttons to perform other actions, like void or refund the transaction:

Complete the fields as described in the following table to view transaction details or take action on the transaction.

Create a New Transaction

You can quickly process a new transaction by either selecting Transactions from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen or clicking the New Transaction button at the top right side of the screen. Click either option to open the Add New Transaction dialog box to create a new transaction.


  • When you click New Transaction on an existing transaction row, the system populates fields in the Add New Transaction dialog box with any saved customer and transaction information

  • The * symbol indicates a required field.

  • Click the Expand view button at the top of the dialog to display all fields.

  1. Click the New Transaction button at the top right side of the screen or select the New button next to Transactions on the navigation menu: Cardknox opens the Add new transaction pop-up (shown below).

  2. Complete the fields. For field information, see the table below.

  3. Click the Process button.

Transaction Settings

  • Click this link to open the Transaction Required Fields subtab of the Settings module to modify transaction field settings.

View Button

  • Click this button to open the Transaction Fields subtab of the Settings module to modify transaction field settings.

Expand View Button

  • Click this button to expand all rows and view transaction details before processing.


  • Enter the transaction amount. Required field for both credit card and check payments.

Electronic Transfer Fee

  • Select this checkbox to include the electronic transfer fee.

  • If you select the Allow Customer Option to Include/Exclude Conv Fee checkbox in the Transaction Fields section of the Settings tab, the Electronic Transfer Fee checkbox is selected by default.

  • If you leave the Allow Customer Option to Include/Exclude Conv Fee checkbox in the Transaction Fields section of the Settings tab blank, the Electronic Transfer Fee checkbox does not appear and the electronic transfer fee is automatically added.

Exclude Electronic Transfer Fee

  • Select this checkbox to exclude the electronic transfer fee

Transaction Type

  • Click the arrow and select a transaction type.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Charge

    • Save

    • Auth Only

    • Refund

    • Post Auth

    • Gift: Issue

    • Gift: Redeem

Note: The default setting for this field is Charge. To change this default to another option, go to Settings > Transactions > Other Settings and change the Default Transaction Type field.

Card Number*

  • Enter the customer’s 16-digit payment card number. Required field.

Expiry Date*

  • Enter the payment card’s expiration date in MM/YY format. Required field.

Security Code

  • Enter the payment card’s CVV number. The CVV is required only for new transactions.

The following values only appear when you select the Check tab.

Account Type

  • Click the arrow and select an account type.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Checking

    • Savings

Account Name*

  • Enter the name on the account. Required field.

Routing Number*

  • Enter the account's bank routing number. Required field.

Account Number*

  • Enter the account number. Required field.


  • Read the Terms & Conditions and select the I Agree checkbox to proceed. Required field.

The following values only appear when you select the Credit and Check tabs.

Use different payment method

  • Click this link to create a new payment method

Use the same payment method

  • Click this link to open the fields associated with the same payment method


  • Enter the customer's email address

Send Receipt

  • Select this checkbox to send a receipt to the customer.

  • If you select the Send The Customer a Receipt By Default checkbox in the Transaction Fields section of the Settings tab, the system automatically selects this checkbox by default.

Send me a copy

  • Select this check box to send a copy of the transaction to the signed in user.

  • If you select the Send Me a Receipt By Default checkbox in the Transaction Fields section of the Settings tab, the system automatically selects this checkbox by default.

Billing Information

  • This section contains the same fields as the Shipping Info section. If you select the Same As Billing? checkbox, the shipping information fields collapse.

  • Complete the following fields:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Company

    • Address

    • City

    • State

    • Zip

    • Country*

    • Phone Number

    • Same as Billing?

Shipping Information

  • This section contains the same fields as the Billing Information section.

AVS Info

Complete the following fields, if applicable:

  • AVS Street

  • AVS Zip

Transaction Details

  • Complete the following fields, if applicable:

    • Invoice

    • PO Number

    • Description

    • Order ID

Custom Fields

  • Complete any custom fields, if applicable

Expand All

  • Click this button to expand all fields

Collapse All

  • Click this button to collapse all fields

Save As Customer

  • Select this check box to create a new customer while adding a new transaction.

Ignore AVS

  • Select this checkbox to override the AVS fraud setting defined for your Cardknox account


  • Click this button to process the customer's payment.

Schedule Transaction

  • Click this button to schedule a later date to process the customer's payment. On the pop-up that displays, select the date for processing.

Note: Cardknox saves this scheduled transaction in Recurring Schedules as a one-time recurring schedule. It will not display in Transactions until after it has been processed.

Schedule a Transaction

You can schedule a transaction to run at a later date. Transactions can be scheduled for both ACH and Credit Card payments.

To schedule a transaction, navigate to the Transactions and click New Transaction.

Select the Schedule for Later icon.

When hovering over a transaction, you will see an option for Link Payment Method.

After you click the Link Payment Method button, the system displays the Link transaction to an existing record dialog.

  1. Use the filter fields at the top of the dialog to locate the customer record.

  2. Click on the customer record to select it.

  3. Click the Save button.

To view the linked transaction, open the customer record and view the Transaction History tab.

Transactions by Auth Only or Sale Only Users

  • Link to a New Customer — See the “Customers” section of this guide.

  • Link Payment Method — See the steps below.

After you click the Link Payment Method button, the system displays the Link transaction to an existing customer dialog.

  1. Use the filter fields at the top of the dialog to locate the customer record.

  2. Click on the customer record to select it.

  3. Click the Save button.

Users who have Auth Only or Sale Only user permissions can create new transactions on a specific transactions screen with a limited number of fields.

To access this screen, the Auth Only or Sale Only user logs in to Cardknox and click New Transaction on the left-side navigation tab. The Transaction Type is set to Auth Only.

After filling in the required fields, save and process the transaction by clicking the Process button or pressing the Enter key.

Capture an Auth Only Sale

Once an Auth Only transaction is processed, it will appear in the Transactions tab with the Approved or Denied status. To Capture, the transaction, click the Capture icon on the right side of the Transactions screen.

A modal will appear, prompting you to confirm the amount to capture. Once finished, click the Capture button.

Process a Gift Transaction

Merchants can process gift cards in the Merchant Portal by selecting the Gift commands. This will remove the Expiration and CVV fields as gift cards do not require that information.

Merchants can process gift cards using credit card commands, however Expiration and CVV may be required (depending on the Merchant’s Portal settings). Gift cards can also be added as customers' payment methods in place of credit cards and used for recurring payments.

Gift Issue: Issues gift card, charging a credit card or ACH to issue the gift card.

Gift Redeem: Redeems a gift card, using the gift card number.


The Transfers tab provides a quick overview of your existing transfers. This tab allows you to see the flow of money in and out of your account.


Transfers tab management is very similar to Transactions tab.

  • The Transfers tab opens with the last 7 days of data displayed by default.

  • Use the Date Selector to choose a desired Date Range.

  • Use the Filter button next to Date Selector to choose your desired criteria.

  • Enter search criteria in the fields next to the column headings to search for a transfer.

  • Click the arrow to the right of any column heading to sort the column.

  • Click between column headers to select and resize any column.

  • Customize your page view by selecting the columns you want to display by default.

  • Use Export and Print buttons to export or print your results.


The Reports tab enables you to quickly and easily generate a variety of on-demand transaction reports to help you analyze and manage transaction activity. Options on this tab allow you to sort transactions by date, reference number, cardholder name, invoice number(s), or amount. You can also refine your report criteria by transaction type and transaction status.

Additionally, a set of predefined reports are listed under “Quick Reports” and “Other Reports” on the far right.

Options on the Reports page enable you to do the following:

  • Under “Quick Reports,” generate predefined reports

  • Under “Other Reports,” generate an end-of-year report and expired payments report

  • Create custom reports with the Create new report feature

  • Save an existing custom report with a new name for future use

  • View, download, print, edit, and delete saved reports

Note: When selecting a date range that is greater than 90 days, expect a slower response time.

Create a Custom Report

Complete the following steps to create a custom report.

  1. In the Create new report section, choose options from the following fields:

    • Select Date

    • View / Sort By

    • Transaction Type

    • Transaction Status

  2. Click Add filters and select additional report options.

  3. Click Save Report; the Custom Saved Report dialog box opens.

  4. Type a name for the report in the Report Name field and click Save; the system saves the report and adds it to the Custom Saved Reports section.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to manage your report's information.

Gift Report

The Gift Report tab includes the following three reports to help you track and manage your gift cards all on one page:

  • Activity

  • Summary

  • Liability

These reports give you a quick overview of gift card information such as transaction reference number, transaction date and time, amount, gift card number, location, gift card type (Issue or Redeem), and any custom fields you created. You can also download and print report results.

The Gift Report tab opens with the Activity report.


  • To use the Gift Report, you must have Cardknox Gift enabled. To enable, navigate to Feature Add-Ons. Once enabled, it can be managed in Account Settings.

  • You can navigate between reports by clicking the toggle-through report titles at the top left side of the page.

  • Click between column headers to select and resize any column.

  • You can search for transactions by any information associated with the gift card (gift card number, name, date, location, etc.).

Activity Report

The Activity report shows today’s data by default and displays a list of all reports in your database.

Gift Activity Report

The Gift Activity tab displays all gift activity. Merchants can view all issue and redeem transactions as well as filter and search for specific transactions. Complete the fields as described in the following table to manage your gift card report information.

Calendar Icon

  • Click the calendar button and choose a day from the list.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This month

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • Last 60 Days

    • Last 90 Days

    • Custom

The default setting is Last 90 days

Note: If you select Custom, the system opens a calendar. Select a date range and click Apply.

Search by Gift Card number

  • Type a gift card number and press Enter to search by gift card number.

Advanced Filter

  • Click this link to select one or more filter options from the list.

  • When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Amount

    • Reference Number

  • Click Reset All to clear filters or click DONE to close the form and save your changes.

Filter icon

  • Click the filter button to select one or more filter options from the list.

  • When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Amount

    • Reference Number

    • Gift Card Number

Note: If you choose the Gift Card Number option, enter the gift card number and select a day or date range from the calendar.

Click Reset all to clear all filters or click DONE to close the form and save your changes.

Download button

  • Click this button to export the current view or all gift card transactions in CSV format.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a gift card report.

Reference Number

  • Displays the gift card transaction reference number.

Gift Card Number

  1. Type a gift card number in the search field and click Apply to display the remaining gift card balance.


  • Displays the gift card transaction amount.

Cardholder Name

  • Displays the cardholder's name.

Date and Time

  • Displays the entered date and time.


  • Displays the location


  • Displays the command


  • Displays the invoice


  • Displays the custom search criteria


  • Displays the number of items on the current page


  • Displays the total amount of all transactions

Summary Report

The Summary tab allows Merchants with multiple locations to track summaries of funds issued and redeemed across locations. The Summary report displays summary gift card information by date. The report shows the total dollar amount for all transactions on a specific date or within a date range you select. Use the search fields to search for a different gift card.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to view gift card summary information and generate a report of the totals.

Calendar Icon

  • Click the calendar button and choose a day from the list.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This month

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • Last 60 Days

    • Last 90 Days

    • Custom

The default setting is Last 90 days

Note: If you select Custom, the system opens a calendar. Select a date range and click Apply.

Download button

  • Click this button to export the current view or all gift card transactions in CSV (Excel) format.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a gift card report.


  • Displays the branch location of the business.

Transaction Count

  • Displays the number of transactions.

Total Amount

  • Displays the total gift card amount.

Parent Location

  • Displays the location of the general business, including all branches, if applicable.


  • Displays the number of items on the current page.


  • Displays the total amount of all transactions.

Liability Report

Liability report shows a list of all cards on the account as well as it’s remaining balance and activation status.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to view gift card balances and generate a report of all liabilities.

Download button

  • Click this button to export the current view or all gift card transactions in CSV (Excel) format.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a gift card report.

Gift Card Number

  • Displays the gift card number

Remaining Balance

  • Displays the balance remaining on the gift card

First Name

  • Displays the customer's first name.

Last Name

  • Displays the customer's last name. Required field.


  • Displays the customer's email address.


  • Displays the number of items on the current page.

Remaining Balance

  • Displays the total remaining balance on all gift cards.

FraudWatch Report

The FraudWatch report (available to merchants who’ve signed up for the product) enables you to monitor your payment and gift card transactions for possible fraudulent activity.


  • Use the search fields at the top of each column to perform another search

Calendar Icon

  • Click the calendar button and choose a day from the list.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This month

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • Last 60 Days

    • Last 90 Days

    • Custom

The default setting is Last 90 days

Note: If you select Custom, the system opens a calendar. Select a date range and click Apply.

Filter button

  • Click this button to select one or more filter options from the list.

  • When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Click Reset all to clear all filters or click Done to close the form and save your changes.


  • Click this button to export the current view or all transactions in CSV (Excel) format.


  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a customer report.


The Batches tab enables you to easily view and manage your open and closed batch transactions.

Note: This tab is not visible for accounts that do not support batches.

The Batches tab opens in the Closed Batches view with the last 30 days of data displayed by default and provides an overview of your batch transactions by date - including sales, credit, transaction total counts, and amounts. Closed batches show the date the batch closed, and open batches show the date range for all open batches. Interactive graphics give you an at-a-glance view of your batch details to help you spot trends and view sales and credit summary information by card type. The Batches tab also provides batch detail information.

In addition, the Breakdown by Card feature helps you manage your batch information by enabling you to view a breakdown of payment card types for multiple batches. It provides a breakdown of counts and amounts for sales, credit, voids, and totals by payment card type, and gives you the option to download and print a report of breakdown details. See the item description table below for more information about these features.


  • You can view either closed or open batches by clicking Closed Batches and Open Batches at the top left side of the page.

  • The calendar feature is disabled for open batches.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to manage your batch transaction information.

Menu button

    • Click Export to export the current view in CSV (Excel) format.

Closed Batches

  • Click this link to view all closed batches for a selected date or date range.

Open Batches

  • Click this link to view all open batches.

Note: If you choose this view, the system disables the calendar function and displays open batches only.

Calendar Button

Click this button and choose a day from the list.

This feature is enabled for closed batches only.

Valid values are as follows:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • This Month

  • Last Month

  • Last 7 Days

  • Last 30 Days

  • Last 60 Days

  • Custom

Note: If you select Custom, the system opens a calendar. Select a date range and click Apply.

Batch Number

  • Type a batch number to view all batches within a selected date range.

Batch summary date range

  • Displays the date range you selected.

Breakdown by Card

  • Click this link to open the Breakdown by Card dialog box and view totals by card type.


  • Displays the total amount and count of sales transactions.


  • Displays the total amount and count of voided transactions.


  • Displays the total amount and count of credit transactions.


  • Displays the total amount and count of both sales and credit transactions.

Batches Details

This section displays batch detail information.

ID #

  • Displays the Batch ID number

Close Date and Time

  • Displays the date and time the batch closed.


  • Displays batch sales amount information


  • Displays open batch void information


  • Displays credit amount information

Batch Total

  • Displays total batch sales and credit amount information for open and closed batches.

View button

  • Click this button to open the Transactions tab and view the transactions in this batch.

    When you click this button in the Closed Batches view, the system opens the Transactions tab in a new browser window and displays batches based on the filters you select.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog and print the batch transaction.

Sale Summary by Card Type

  • Displays sales summary information by product.

    Hover your pointer over the graphic to view detailed sales transaction amount and count summary information.

Credit Summary by Card Type

  • Displays credit summary information by product.

    Hover your pointer over the graphic to view detailed credit transaction amount and count summary information.

View Batch Transactions

  • Click this link to open the Transactions tab and view the transactions in this batch.

    When you click this link in the Closed Batches view, the system opens the Transactions tab in a new browser window and displays batches based on the filters you select.


  • Displays total batch sales and credit amount information for open and closed batches.

View Totals by Card Type

You can view more batch details on the Breakdown by Card page.

Breakdown by Card

  • Displays the date range you selected.

    Note: If you choose the Open Batches view, the system displays open batches only.

Print Button

  • Click this button to open a dialog and print the breakdown by card.

Download Button

  • Click this button to export the breakdown by card type in CSV (Excel) format.

Card Type

  • Identifies the payment card type. Valid card types are as follows:

    • American Express

    • Discover

    • EBT

    • Mastercard

    • Visa


  • Displays the amount and transaction count for sales transactions for the card type.


  • Displays the amount and transaction count for voided transactions for the card type.


  • Displays the total amount and transaction count for both sale and credit transactions for the card type.


  • Displays the total amount and transaction count for both sale and credit transactions for the card type.


  • Click this button to close the dialog.


Cardknox Go merchants use the Disputes feature to manage active disputes. To display the Disputes tab in the left-hand menu, select the Show ‘Disputes’ Tab in the Cardknox Go Settings section of the Transaction Settings subtab of the Settings tab.

Calendar Icon

  • Click the calendar button and choose a day from the list.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • This month

    • Last 7 Days

    • Last 30 Days

    • Last 60 Days

    • Last 90 Days

    • Custom

The default setting is Last 90 days

Note: If you select Custom, the system opens a calendar. Select a date range and click Apply.

Filter button

  • Click this button to select one or more filter options from the list.

  • When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Click Reset all to clear all filters or click Done to close the form and save your changes.


The Customers tab displays a list of customers and enables you to easily manage your customer information.

Note that the Customers and Recurring Schedules modules are not included in the Cardknox Starter plan. If you are on the Starter plan and you attempt to access either module, you will be prompted to upgrade your account.

You can use this tab to perform the following actions.

  • Add a new customer record

  • Update customer information, payment methods, and recurring schedules

  • Delete customer records

  • View existing customer details

  • View customer transactions

  • Search for a customer

  • Export or print customer information

  • View expired or soon-to-expire payment methods

  • Charge and bulk charge customers


  • Use the search fields at the top of each column to type in filter criteria.

  • Click the arrow to the right of any column heading to sort the column.

  • Click the arrow to the left of any row to display customer detail information.

  • Click between column headers to select and resize any column.

Note: Only a partial screen sample is displayed. All fields are documented in the item description table below.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to manage your customer information.

Filter button

  • Click this button to select one or more filter options from the list.

  • When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Click Reset all to clear all filters or click Done to close the form and save your changes.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Customer ID

    • Customer Number

    • Company

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Street

    • City

    • State

    • Zip

    • Phone Number

    • Email

Bulk Charge

  • Click this button to bulk charge the selected customer(s) the same amount. A number to the right of the + sign indicates how many customers you have selected.

    For more information, see the Bulk Charge Customers section.

Note: This button displays only if you have selected one or more customers.


  • Click this button to delete the selected customer record(s). Cardknox displays a message asking you to confirm the deletion.

Note: This button displays only if you have selected one or more customers.

New Customer

  • Click this button to open the Add a new customer dialog box and add a new customer.

Download button

  • Click this button to export the current view or all customers in CSV format.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a customer report.

Settings button

  • Click this button to open a set of options to customize your page view as follows:

    1. In the Available Columns list, select the columns you want to appear on your Customers page by default.

    2. To Search for Available Columns, enter the column name in the search bar.

    3. Select the Save Selection checkbox and click Done to save the columns you selected as the default view.

    4. Alternatively, click Settings; the system opens the Report Settings subtab with the Customer Report displayed.

    5. In the Show in Report section, select the columns you want to appear on your Customers page and click Save; the columns you selected are saved as the default view.

  • The columns in this list are in the same order as the fields in the Customer Report list on the Report Settings subtab of the Settings tab.

  • Note: If you click the Reset filter link, the system clears all selected options in the Available Columns list and reverts to the default column page view.

New Transaction

  • Click this button to open the Add New Transaction dialog box and add a new customer record.

Send Payment Request

  • Click this button to send a payment request.

  • The system opens the Send Payment Request page and prefills the Payment Fields section with previously saved payment information.

Delete Customer

  • Click this button to delete the customer record

View Recurring Schedule Information

  • Hover over the recurring schedule link to view the schedule information

Display Customer Details

You can view customer details by clicking on a customer row. This expands the view and opens the customer details section on the right-hand side of the screen. Cardknox highlights the currently select customer in blue:

Options in this section enable you to update a customer’s account profile information, payment method, and recurring schedule, as well as view other transactions linked to the customer.

Customer Details

Options in this section enable you to update a customer’s account profile information, payment method, and recurring schedule, as well as view other transactions linked to the customer.


  • Click another Schedule Name to display the customer details for a different customer’s recurring payment schedule without having to close the expanded view.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to view customer details or take action on the record.

Customer Details Item Descriptions

Bulk Charge Customers

  1. Select multiple customers by checking the box to the left of the customer record. Tip: To select all rows, click the top-level checkbox to the left of the Filter button.

  2. Select the icon to the right of the Filter button. A number to the right of the + sign indicates how many customers you have selected. Cardknox displays a pop-up:

  3. Check the Send me a copy box to have a receipt emailed to your email address.

  4. Click the Transaction Details and Customer Fields sections to expand them and fill in additional information, if necessary.

  5. Before applying the charges, Cardknox displays a message asking you to confirm the transactions. Confirm the transactions to complete them.

Recurring Schedules

The Recurring Schedules tab enables you to easily manage your recurring payment schedules. You can use this tab to perform the following actions.

  • Add a new recurring payment schedule

  • View existing recurring payment schedules

  • Update customer recurring payment schedules

  • Export or print recurring payment schedule information

  • Update customer payment methods

  • Create a custom recurring schedule from a template

  • Create a new recurring schedule using a short form


  • Note that the Customers and Recurring Schedules modules are not included in the Cardknox Starter plan. If you are on the Starter plan and you attempt to access either module, you will be prompted to upgrade your account.

  • The Recurring Schedules tab opens with the recurring schedules page with today’s data displayed by default.

  • Click the Templates link at the top of the page to open the custom recurring schedule template page.

  • You can navigate between Recurring Schedules and Templates by clicking the toggle-through titles at the top left side of the page

  • Use the search fields at the top of each column to perform another search.

  • Click the arrow to the right of any column heading to sort the column.

  • Click the arrow to the left of any row to expand the row and display recurring payment schedule detail information.

  • Click between column headers to select and resize any column.

  • Hover your pointer over the information icon next to a column heading to open a tooltip message identifying the type of data displayed in the column.

  • Update ‘start date’ for future schedules. Once a schedule is running, the ‘start date’ can no longer be modified.

Note: Only a partial screen sample is displayed below. All fields are documented in the following item description table.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to manage your recurring schedules information.


  • Click this link to open the Templates page and create a custom recurring schedule.


  • Click this button to select one or more filter options from the list.

    When you choose a filter, the system opens a text box displaying information about what filter criteria to enter.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Schedule Name

    • Recurring ID

    • Company

    • Start Date

    • Frequency

    • Remaining Charges

    • Amount

    • Customer

    • Description

    • Active

  • Click Reset All to clear all filters or click Done to close the form and save your changes.

New Customer

  • Click this button to open the Add a new customer schedule dialog box and create a new schedule.

Download button

  • Click this button to export the current view or all customers in CSV format.

Print button

  • Click this button to open a dialog box and print a customer report.

Settings button

  • Click this button to open a set of options to customize your page view as follows:

    1. In the Available Columns list, select the columns you want to appear on your Customers page by default.

    2. Select the Save Selection checkbox and click Done to save the columns you selected as the default view.

    3. To Search for Available Columns, enter the column name in the search bar.

    4. Alternatively, click Settings; the system opens the Report Settings subtab with the Customer Report displayed.

    5. In the Show in Report section, select the columns you want to appear on your Customers page and click Save; the columns you selected are saved as the default view.

  • The columns in this list are in the same order as the fields in the Customer Report list on the Report Settings subtab of the Settings tab.

  • Note: If you click the Reset filter link, the system clears all selected options in the Available Columns list and reverts to the default column page view.

Total Charges icon

  • This icon appears in the Total Charges column. If you have changed the amount of a recurring schedule that has already started, click this icon to view the updated total charges for the schedule.

New Transaction

  • Click this button to open the Add New Transaction dialog box and add a new customer record.

Send Payment Request

  • Click this button to send a payment request.

  • The system opens the Send Payment Request page and prefills the Payment Fields section with previously saved payment information.

Delete Schedule

  • Click this button to delete the recurring schedule.

Display Recurring Schedule Details

You can view recurring schedule details by clicking the arrow to the left of the Schedule Name. This expands the view and opens the customer details section on the right-hand side of the screen. Options in this section enable you to update a customer’s account profile information, payment method, recurring schedule, as well as view other transactions linked to the customer.

Tips: Click another Schedule Name to display the customer details for a different customer’s recurring payment schedule without having to close the expanded view.

Recurring Schedule

  • Tab containing the recurring schedule fields

Customer ID

  • Displays the customer's ID number

Add Recurring Schedule

  • Click this button to open additional recurring payment schedule fields.

Micro menu button

  • Click this button to open a menu of the following additional actions:

    • Deactivate Schedule – Select this option to deactivate a recurring schedule. If you choose this option, the system deactivates the schedule but does not remove it. Click Activate Schedule to reactivate the schedule. Activation/Deactivations will automatically refresh the page to display the changes. Reactivating a schedule after a missed payment will automatically charge the payment.

    • Save As Template – Select this option to save the recurring schedule as a template.

    • Preview Schedule – Select this option to preview the recurring schedule details:

  • Use the icons in the upper right corner to download the list of payments to a .csv file or print to a PDF file.

  • Note: If more than 20 payment transactions exist, you can view them by clicking the View All Scheduled Payments button in the lower right corner.

    • Remove Schedule – Select this option to permanently delete the recurring schedule.

Schedule Name

  • By default, Cardknox populates this field with a unique schedule ID. You can type in a different schedule name; if you do this Cardknox displays the original schedule ID to the right of the name:


  • Type a description for the recurring payment schedule.


  • Type the amount of the recurring payment.

  • You cannot update the amount for an existing schedule. If you want a different amount you must create a new recurring schedule.


  • Indicate the number of times the payment occurs during a specified time period.

  • Note: You cannot change the frequency for an existing schedule.

  • For example, to set the payment frequency at twice per month:

    • Type the number 2 in the first field

    • Click the arrows in the second field and select Month from the list


  • The invoice number associated with this recurring schedule.


  • Click this button and select a recurring payment start date.

  • The start date must be within one year of today’s date.

  • The default value is today’s date.

Calendar Type

  • Click the arrows and select a calendar type.

  • Note: You cannot change the calendar type for an existing schedule.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Gregorian

    • Hebrew

  • This field can only be changed before the schedule begins.

    The default value is Gregorian.

Run Recurring at a Specific Day of the Week

  • Click this checkbox to run monthly recurring transactions on the same weekday as the first transaction.

  • Example: if the first recurring payment occurs on the second Tuesday in November, all future transactions after that would also run on the second Tuesday of the month.

Skip Sabbath and Holidays

  • Select this checkbox to skip the Sabbath and holidays.


  • Click the arrow and select an option from the list.

  • Valid values are as follows:

    • Never

    • Date

    • Number of Payments

  • This field can only be changed before the schedule is completed.

Send Receipt

  • Select this checkbox to send a receipt to the customer.

Retry Declined Recurring With Default Card Only

  • Select this check box to retry the declined recurring transaction using the default payment card.


  • Click this button to save your changes.


  • Click this button to close the tab.

Create a New Customer Schedule

You can quickly create a new customer and recurring schedule by clicking the New Customer button at the top right side of the screen. This opens the Add a new customer schedule dialog box.

The Add a new customer schedule pop-up is a short form that contains only the basic fields necessary to create a new recurring customer and recurring schedule. You can access additional fields by clicking Advanced View at the bottom of the screen.

Note: To view all of the fields on the Add a new customer popup, scroll down:

Complete the fields as described in the following table to create a new customer schedule.

Note: The table below lists the fields shown in the Advanced view. If you are viewing the basic Add New Customer pop-up, you won’t see all of these fields.

Upload Customers and Recurring Schedules

Recurring Schedules can be created in bulk by uploading a CSV vile containing the schedule information. To upload recurring schedules, navigate to the Customers page and click the Upload Customers and Schedules link.

You'll be navigated to a page with a downloadable template file. Click the Download icon to download the template. The fields must be formatted in the same order as the template in order for the upload to be successful.

There is also a Requirements file that can be accessed, detailing the formatting requirements for the upload file.

Clicking the Requirements link will initiate a pop-up with the file requirements. All requirements can be viewed by scrolling.

The file requirements are as follows:

  • General Info

    • Billing First Name, Billing Last Name, or Company fields are required.

  • Payment Info

    • When adding a payment method, provide Payment Type as “CC” or “Check.”

    • If uploading credit card information, ensure the expiration date is in XXXX format.

    • If uploading a check, please provide a 9-digit routing number and an account number ranging from 4 to 17 digits.

    • If uploading ACH information, select payment type of "CC" or "Check" and include the token in the "Token" field.

  • Schedule Info

    • When uploading a schedule, you must include a payment method.

    • When uploading a schedule, ensure dates are in MM/DD/YYYY format. You can use “day,” “week,” “month,” or “year” in the Every field.

    • For multiple schedules, the first payment method added becomes the default. Use a CSV file format for your upload.

Once your file is formatted and ready to upload, click the Click to upload button under the Upload File section at the bottom of the page. Upon uploading, your data will be displayed in the portal. You can edit the data by clicking into the text boxes.

Fields that were not uploaded successfully due to improper formatting or invalid data types will trigger an error. The number of errors will be displayed, and fields will be highlighted.. If an error occurs, all of the failed rows can be downloaded as a separate file to be edited. Once ready to upload again, click the Upload Data button at the top-right of the screen.

Create a Recurring Schedule Template

You can create a custom recurring schedule template using the Templates feature. When you click the Templates link at the top of the Recurring Schedules page, the system opens the Templates page. You use this page to open a dialog box and set up a new recurring schedule for an account based on the criteria you choose. Once you create the new schedule, it is saved to the Templates page where you can take further action, such as to apply the template, edit the fields, or delete the template. See New Schedule Template Dialog Box for recurring schedule setup information.

Note that any changes you make in the template do not affect any existing recurring schedules that currently use this same template.

Complete the fields as described in the following table to create a new recurring schedule.

Send Payment Request

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The Send Payment Request tab enables you to send a payment request link to your customers so they can access a payment site and submit their payment. You can pre-fill the form with customer billing and transaction information which allows your customers to enter their payment method and submit the payment quickly and conveniently without having to enter additional information. In addition, you can save time by easily modifying previously entered information and updating the payment site link without having to re-enter all information again.


  • If your account doesn’t include the Send Payment Request feature, you’ll see information about it at the top of the screen. To add PaymentSITE to your account, click the Sign Up button.

Note: Only a partial screen sample is displayed below. All fields are documented in the following item description table.

Note: If the Copy, View, and Email buttons are disabled, this means there is no PaymentSITE associated with your account. Contact Customer Support for assistance.

Complete the following steps to prefill the payment form and generate a link to the payment site your customer uses to submit their payment.

  1. If you have more than one PaymentSITE form, in the Send payment request using your existing PaymentSITE section, select the form to use.

  2. Complete the appropriate billing and transaction fields for the transaction in the Payment Fields section.

  3. In the Recurring Schedule Fields section:

    1. Type a number in the EVERY field.

    2. Click the arrow and select a time period from the list.

    3. Type the number of payments in the Number of Payments field.

  4. In the Share this payment link section, you can click the View button to view the payment site. (This is optional.)

  5. To share the payment link, you can either:

    1. Click the Copy button to copy the link and paste it into an app to share with the customer (email, IM, etc.)


    1. Click the Email button. Cardknox opens a pop-up with the email fields prefilled. For more information, see a description of the Email button in the “Send Payment Request Item Descriptions” table above.


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The Settings tab contains features you use to manage your portal settings. This tab contains the following subtabs:

  • Display

  • Transaction

  • Recurring

  • Reports

  • Keys

  • Users

  • PaymentSITE

  • Logo

  • Send Payment Request

  • Setup MFA

Click Save to save your changes, or click Reset to Default to discard your changes and restore the default settings.

Click Expand All / Collapse All to expand or collapse all sections.

Fraud Settings

Fraud settings allows users to manage fraud parameters for transactions to control payment risk. Users can manage when they want a sale to be blocked based on multiple parameters listed below.

AVS & CVV Settings

CVV Settings

AVS Settings

Block List Settings

Users have the option to block transaction attempts by specific data parameters listed below.

Transaction Screening

Enabling the Country whitelist will require the user to manually mark IP addresses country of origin for transactions. Countries not whitelisted will have transactions automatically declined if the IP does not originate from the countries whitelisted.

Allowing transactions if IP check fails or is unknown will allow transactions to succeed in the event the Cardknox gateway cannot retrieve IP information.

Additional Fraud Settings

Velocity Settings:

User Settings

User Settings controls various aspects of the platform that allows customization for specific user preferences, including date range displays, default payment types, and column settings.


Time zone

  • Click the arrow and select a time zone

Default Dashboard Date Range

  • Click the arrow and select the default date range to display for the Dashboard.

First Screen After Login

  • Click the arrow and select the default tab to display at login.

Expand New Customer Popup By Default

  • Select this checkbox to always expand the Add a new customer dialog box by default.

Account Dropdown Order

Account Dropdown Order allows users to configure the order in which accounts will show when accessing the accounts a user has access to. Users can also navigate here to see which accounts they have access to, and view the account numbers. MID Numbers are displayed beside the account name.

Sort Alphabetically

Checking the box will sort available accounts in alphabetical orders


Setting an Alias will change the display name of the account in the account dropdown.

Drag to Edit Order

Re-order the accounts by selecting and holding the icon and moving the account to the preferred location.


Clicking Dashboard allows you to edit the Default Dashboard Date Range. Valid values are:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 2 Days

  • Last 3 Days

  • Last 4 Days

  • Last 5 Days

  • Last 6 Days

  • Last 7 Days

New Transaction Settings

Users can set defaults for New Transactions within the New Transaction settings page. The defaults will determine what Transaction Type and Payment Type the system defaults to when the user opens a new transaction.

Transaction History

Transaction History settings determine the appearance and functionality of Transactions for users.

The Manage Columns section allows users to determine which columns appear in the Transactions Report, as well as the ordering of columns.

Use this area to change which columns are displayed for transactions. The same Manage Column functionality is also available for customers and recurring schedules settings. This affects the column display on the screen as well as exported reports.

The changes you make to the Report settings apply only to your screens and the reports that you run. They do not affect how reports display to other users on your Cardknox account.

However, there are two exceptions to this:

  1. Recurring Templates settings affect the entire Cardknox account.

  2. Custom reports that you create and save are available across the entire Cardknox account for other users to access.

Show, Hide, and Rearrange Columns Select or deselect a checkbox to show or hide a column. To change the column’s position on the screen (and reports), click and drag the row up or down.

Batch Settings

Customers Settings

Customers User Settings allows users to edit the display of information in the Customers tab. For Manage Columns section, refer to the Transaction History section above.

Recurring Settings

Recurring Schedules User Settings allows users to edit the display of information in the Recurring Schedules tab. For Manage Columns section, refer to the Transaction History section above.

Security Settings

Refer to the Setting up MFA section below.

Account Settings

New Transactions Settings

The New Transactions Settings settings only affects the transaction fields in the Merchant Portal.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Add customized field labels

  • Select which fields are required

  • Choose whether to show or hide selected fields

  • Add custom fields

  • Set up sales tax

  • Set up an electronic transfer fee

  • Set up Cardknox Go options

Fields Configuration

In this area, you can assign different names to the fields displayed in the Transactions module. You can also:

  • Mark fields as required.

  • Hide fields that you don’t want to display.

  • Add custom fields.

Processing and Receipts Settings

These Transactions Settings control some aspects of the transaction behavior in the Merchant portal.

Electronic Transfer Fee

This section enables you to define an electronic transfer fee to apply to a credit card transaction, an ACH transaction, or both. When you enable the electronic fee feature, Cardknox automatically checks the electronic transfer fee checkbox for new transactions (see below). Cardknox also displays the electronic transfer fee amount based on what you configured in this section.

This section was previously called Convenience Fee.

Complete the steps as described in the following table.

Sales Tax

This section enables you to define a sales tax to apply to transactions. When you enable sales tax, Cardknox automatically checks the Sales Tax checkbox for new transactions (see below). Cardknox also displays the sales tax amount based on the percentage you configured:

Add Custom Columns

For Transactions and Customers, you can display custom field data configured for your Cardknox account. (Transaction custom fields are configured in the Settings area of the portal.)

To display custom field data:

  1. At the bottom of the list of column names, click Add Custom Field:Cardknox displays the next CustomXX field.

  2. You may have to click Add Custom Field several times until the custom field you want is displayed:

  3. Select the checkbox of the custom field(s) you want to display. You can also drag the custom field to a new location by clicking on it and holding down the mouse button.

  4. Click the Save button.

Transaction History Settings

Transaction History settings provide additional flexibility and options for viewing, managing, and exporting transactions in the Transactions tab. Access the settings by clicking Transaction History.

Recurring Settings

The Recurring Settings subtab contains options to manage certain recurring payment functions. These settings apply across your entire Cardknox account and will affect all users on your Cardknox account. However, changes you make to the Enable Recurring Schedule Email Summary Report field affects only your account.

Send Payment Request Settings

Send Payment Request Management is used to configure the Send Payment Request email.

New Customer Settings

The New Customer Settings allows users to edit the display of fields in the New Customer modal.

Cardknox Go Settings

Cardknox Go functionality is available only to Cardknox Go merchants. It can be found in the Account Settings tab by first clicking Additional Functionality. Use options in this section to enable this feature.

Complete the steps as described in the following table.

Availability: This feature is available to Cardknox Go merchants only.


The Users subtab controls user account information. You use this module to manage the users in your database. Use this section to perform the following actions:

  • Add a user

  • Update an existing user

  • Remove a user

  • Assign and change user roles


  • The * symbol on any screen indicates a required field.

  • Click the arrow to the right of any column heading to sort the column.

Add A New User

Complete the following steps to add a new user.

  1. Click the New User button to open the Add a new user pop-up.

  2. Enter the user’s email address, which is a required field.

  3. Select a user role from the Role list. (To see all user permissions, click “+Additional roles” and scroll down.)

  4. Click Create and Invite User button to save.

Note: To see all user permissions, scroll to the bottom of the pop-up.

Edit A User

When you edit a user, you cannot change a user’s email address, but you can change the user’s role to give them more or less system permissions. (If you need to change a user’s email address, follow the steps to add a new user instead.)

Complete the following steps to update an existing user.

  1. For the user you want to edit, select its Edit icon (). This opens the Edit User pop-up. The Edit User pop-up contains the same fields as the Add a new user pop-up, except that the Email field is not editable.

  2. Select a user role from the Role list. (To see all user permissions, you may need to click “+Additional roles” and scroll down.)

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

User Roles

The following table describes the modules each role can access and the actions each role can perform. All roles can control their own portal settings; however, Admin is the only role that controls all settings.


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The Cardknox PaymentSITE Management module lets you create customized payment forms. For example, on the form, you can:

  • Add custom fields

  • Change the names of field labels

  • Move fields and sections around

  • Adjust form settings to include ACH, electronic transfer fees, terms & conditions, etc.

  • Add your business logo

After you complete the form, you can request payment from customers by sending them a payment request link. The customer types in their payment details, submits the form, and you get paid.

To access the new PaymentSITE Management module, go to Settings > PaymentSITE.

Cardknox displays the PaymentSITE Management screen. Any existing forms are shown on the list:

Note: To download a list of the payment forms, click the Download icon.

To start building a payment form, click either the name (under the Name column header) or the pen icon:

Cardknox opens the Payment Form Configuration screen. The default form is displayed to the right of the Manage Layout and General Settings tabs. It includes a Credit Card section with the following fields:

  • Card Number

  • Exp Date

  • CVV

Note: The fields and initial configuration of your form may be different from what is shown here.

Upon loading the page, you'll see the PaymentSITE form fields on the left side of the screen, separated into header sections for Transaction Details, Shipping Information, and Billing Information. Sections can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the arrow on the right side of the section header.

You can add additional sections and fields to the form by clicking the Add a New Section button on the right side of the screen. At any point, you can click the Undo button (upper right) to undo your last step.

The high-level steps for creating a form are listed below. Instructions for performing these steps are listed below.

  1. Add preconfigured fields and sections.

  2. Add custom sections.

  3. Add custom fields.

  4. Add optional sections (including a business logo) from General Settings tab.

Additionally, to make minor adjustments to the form, you can:

  • Set fields as required by clicking the star icon.

  • Move fields and sections by holding down the cursor on the left side of the field.

  • Rename sections by clicking the pencil icon.

After building the form, you need to:

  1. Publish it.

  2. Test it.

  3. Send the payment link to the payee.

Add Preconfigured Fields or Sections

The Configuration screen includes three preconfigured sections:

  • Billing Information

  • Shipping Information

  • Transaction Details

These sections are located on the Manage Layout tab. Click the Add Additional Fields plus icon to expand a section and view the available fields:

Additional fields can be added for each section, but options are limited based on which section is selected.

Preconfigured fields are any fields contained in the preconfigured sections. For your reference, these fields are listed below:

To add preconfigured sections and fields, follow the steps below:

On the Manage Layout tab, click on Add New Fields. If pre-configured sections are not currently configured on your PaymentSITE, you'll see the option to add it. If the fields are greyed out, the section is already configured.

Add a Custom Section

When you first add a custom section, it is blank. After adding a custom section, you can add custom fields to it.

  1. The new section will appear in the Manage Layout tab. You can edit the title by clicking the pencil icon.

  2. To change the placement of the section, hold down the mouse on the section and drag it up or down to place it between the appropriate sections.

  • If you change your mind, you can delete the new section with the trash can icon.

  • To rename “New Section” to something else, click the pen icon and type in different text:

Add a Custom Field

Custom Fields can be added to any section by clicking the Add Additional Fields plus icon on the section in which you wish to add the field.

The custom field will be added to the section you selected, at the bottom of the list. Custom fields that are linked in settings to a previously-defined label will include an informational icon denoting the label it is linked to. Hovering over the icon, as shown below, will display the label. Custom fields can be renamed by clicking the pencil icon.

By default, the field you insert is a single-line text field. You can change it to a different field type by hovering over the field until you see the pop-up with icons. Then, click the desired field type in the pop-up.

To make the field required (see Note), click the star icon to the left of the field:

A field marked as required has a filled star by its name:

Note: When you set a field as required, the payee must type in the relevant information. Otherwise, it won’t be possible for them to complete the payment transactions.

Configuring Amount Fields

When configuring the Amount field, the Expand button will expand the section to display Amounts and Display values.

Once expanded, rows can be moved up or down by selecting the up or down arrows. To collapse the selection, click the same button used to expand.

Clicking Add Additional Option will add another row for them to set the reporting/display values. Toggling the Add Other Option toggle will add a row with the reporting value set to "Other", as an uneditable field, and the display value will be pre-filled to ‘other’ with the option to edit.

Reordering Sections

To reorder sections in the Manage Layout tab, simply click and hold the section header (i.e. Transaction Details) and drag the section to the desired area. Sections can be reordered while collapsed or expanded.

Credit Card and ACH Settings

The Credit Card and ACH Settings are on the right side of the Manage Layout screen. Selecting the star icon will toggle the fields required. Some fields, such as card number for credit card or account number for ACH, cannot be toggled off of required.

General Settings

The General Settings tab includes optional components to include on your form:

  • Terms and conditions information

  • Electronic transfer fees fields

  • Allowed transaction types

  • Business logo

  • ACH payment fields

  • Add Additional Account Tabs

  • Add Redirect Options

  • Allowed Transaction Types

  • Display ACH

  • Display Card Types Accepted

  • Display Electronic Transfer Fee

  • Display PaymentSITE Logo

  • Display Terms and Conditions

  • Enable Digital Wallet

  • Receipt Options

  • Add Additional Account Tabs

  • Add Redirect Options

  • Allowed Transaction Types

  • Display ACH

  • Display Card Types Accepted

  • Display Convenience Fee

  • Display PaymentSITE Logo

  • Display Terms and Conditions

  • Enable Digital Wallet

  • Receipt Options

To add one of these components to the form, select its checkbox on the General Settings tab. Cardknox immediately adds it to the design form. Some additional configuration may be needed in the design area to the right.

Note: To reposition these sections, go back to the Manage Layout section.

Add Additional Account Tabs

The Add Additional Account Tab options allows you to add additional, custom tabs on the form (these can be adjusted on the Manage Layout page and the General Settings page).

These tags have a title and a body that can be used however you like!

Add Redirect Options

The Add Redirect Options tab allows you to enable/disable redirects in the form, as well as configure those redirects.

Allowed Transaction Types

The Allowed Transaction Types section lets you add up to three transaction types to the form. Select a checkbox to add it to the form:

Display ACH

When you check Display ACH in General Settings, you need to define whether or not you want to require the payee to type in the Account Number and Routing Number twice. If so, check the Remove Re-Enter For ACH Account/Routing Numbers checkbox.

The following ACH fields are included on the form:

Display Card Types Accepted

The Display Card Types Accepted setting lets you specify which types of credit cards are allowed for the given form. The available options are:

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • Discover

  • Amex

Checking the box next to the setting enables it, and once enabled you can enable or disable the types of cards allowed. All cards are enabled by default.

Display Electronic Transfer Fee

The Display Electronic Transfer Fee settings lets you add electronic transfer fee fields for credit card and/or ACH transactions. Please Note: Electronic transfer fees cannot be enabled if Service Fee has been enabled in the Internal Settings section.

  1. Select checkboxes to define if fees are a percentage of the payment amount or a flat fee.

  2. Type in the percentage or flat amount.

  3. Link the Electronic Transfer Fee Amount and Original Amount to two custom fields.

  4. Determine if the customer can include or exclude the electronic transfer fee.

  5. Optionally, add text to explain the electronic transfer fee.

Display Terms And Conditions

Adds a Terms and Conditions section to the form design area. After you click the Terms and Conditions checkbox, while General Settings is displayed, configure the section with the following steps:

  1. Type in a title name.

  2. Either type in or paste in the actual terms and conditions text.

  3. If you want to require the payee to select an Agree checkbox before completing the payment transaction, check Display Agree Checkbox and in Agree Label, type in the text that will appear next to it:

Enable Digital Wallet

Enabling Digital Wallet for your PaymentSITE allows you to support additional payment options (such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and Click To Pay) for your customers. When Enable Apple Pay, Google Pay or Click To Pay is checked, your PaymentSITE will include the corresponding button like Apple Pay, Google Pay and/or Click To Pay Button(s).

Receipt Options

The Receipt Options setting allows you to enable or disable the following:

  • Whether to send the customer a receipt

  • Show pop-up instead of receipt for approved cc:sale transactions

  • Set the default receipt to a printed receipt

  • Show or hide the logo on a printed receipt


This section allows you to select the theme of the PaymentSITE form, as well as setting a background color:

Make Form Adjustments This section explains how to make minor adjustments to the form, such as:

Display Terms And Conditions

Adds a Terms and Conditions section to the form design area. After you click the Terms and Conditions checkbox, while General Settings is displayed, configure the section with the following steps:

  1. Type in a title name.

  2. Either type in or paste in the actual terms and conditions text.

  3. If you want to require the payee to select an Agree checkbox before completing the payment transaction, check Display Agree Checkbox and in Agree Label, type in the text that will appear next to it:

Enable Digital Wallet

Enabling Digital Wallet for your Payment Site allows you to support additional payment options (such as Google Pay) for your customers out of the box. When Enable Google Pay or Enable Apple Pay is checked your Payment Site will include options for the digital wallets.

Receipt Options

The Receipt Options setting allows you to enable or disable the following:

  • Whether to send the customer a receipt

  • Show pop-up instead of receipt for approved cc:sale transactions

  • Set the default receipt to a printed receipt

  • Show or hide the logo on a printed receipt

Make Form Adjustments This section explains how to make minor adjustments to the form, such as:

  • Setting a field as required

  • Moving a field or section

  • Renaming a section or field

Move a Field or Section Up or Down To move a field or section:

  1. Click on the field or section in the design area and hold down the mouse button.

  2. Drag the section up or down.

  3. Pause the mouse pointer over the general area where you want to place the field/section. The mouse pointer indicates where you can place it.

  4. Release the mouse button.

Rename a Section

Any section in the design area that has a pen icon next to it can be renamed.

  1. Click Save to save the new name.

  2. Click on the pen icon to open the text field for editing:

Delete a Section

When you delete a section, it also removes all of the fields in that section. Delete a section by clicking on its trash can icon:

A section that does not have a trash can icon is a required section and cannot be removed.

Publish the Form A form, once you published it, is available online, and the payee can use it to make a payment. However, before sending the payment link to the payee, we recommend first testing the form. See the next section for more information.

Publish the PaymentSITE A form, once you published it, is available online, and the payee can use it to make a payment. However, before sending the payment link to the payee, we recommend first testing the form. See the next section for more information.

Publish the PaymentSITE Once you publish your changes, the PaymentSITE is available online and the payee can use it to make a payment. However, before sending the payment request to the payee, we recommend first testing it. See the next section for more information.

When you are done creating the payment request, click the Publish button in the upper-right corner:

If you have recently changed the form, it may take a few minutes for Cardknox to display those changes.

Undo the Form If you have published the form but want to return to the previous version, you can click the Undo button that appears next to the Publish button:

Test the Form When you test the form, you are making sure that it’s accessible online and that it’s designed and works as you expect it to do.

To test the form:

  1. If you have been working on the form, click < Back to return to the PaymentSITE Management screen. (Otherwise, you can get to the screen by clicking Settings > PaymentSITE).

  2. For the form you want to test, click the URL in the PaymentSITE URL column.

  3. Cardknox opens the form in a new browser tab:

  4. Fill in mock data to make sure the form works as you expect it to.

PaymentSITE Kiosk Configuration

The PaymentSITE Kiosk can be configured by navigating to PaymentSITE in Account Settings and clicking Kiosk in the menu.

The Kiosk configuration mirrors the PaymentSITE configuration, with Manage Layout and General Settings tabs.

Manage Kiosk Layout

The Kiosk layout configuration includes the same functionality as the general PaymentSITE configuration. More information can be found in the PaymentSITE section above.

Kiosk General Settings

The Kiosk General Settings match the PaymentSITE settings, with more detail found here. Only settings related to the Kiosk will be found within the Kiosk settings.

Logo Management

In this section, you can upload your company logo, which will be displayed on your customer email receipts. You can also choose to display your logo on your portal print receipts, Send Payment Request emails, and on your Portal webpage account.

Any changes you make in this section will affect all users on your Cardknox account.

Upload a Logo Image File Before you upload an image file, make sure it conforms to these specifications:

  • Maximum image width is 360 pixels.

  • Formatted as .png, .jpg, or .jpeg.

  1. Go to Settings -> Logo.

  2. Click the Choose File button.

  3. On the pop-up, locate and select the image file you want to upload. Cardknox uploads the image and shows a preview of it:

  4. To display the logo in other areas of Cardknox besides the customer email receipt, select the appropriate checkboxes.

  5. Click the Save button.

Remove a Logo Image File

  1. Go to Settings -> Logo.

  2. Below the logo preview, click the Remove logo button.

  3. Click the Save button.

Payment Methods

In this section you can set up your account to accept Apple Pay.

Just click on “Register your Domain” button and follow 3 easy steps:

Key Management

The Key Management module enables Admins to add security by controlling API access. There are two methods you can use to configure API security:

  1. Creating keys for API calls and iFields – Create API keys and assign them a permission level to control what type of API calls it can make. You can also define the IP addresses that can use the key.

  2. Whitelisting IP addresses – Define which IP addresses can make API calls for your Cardknox account.

Whitelist IPs

  • To whitelist IP addresses for your entire account, click the Create Key button and enter the IP addresses in the drop-down to whitelist. Cardknox opens a pop-up:

  • Type the IP address(es) into the text box. To enter multiple IPs, type each one on a separate line. Click the Apply button to save your changes.

  • These are the IP addresses that have permission to use your API keys. Only computers that have these IP addresses will have permission to make API calls with the API keys.

  • Any other IP addresses will be denied access to the Cardknox API. Note that when you whitelist IP addresses here, it overrides any IP addresses that are whitelisted at the key level.

Create Key

  • Click the Create a Key button to open the Create a Key pop-up. See the “Add a Key” section below.

Key Description (Column)

  • This column displays the key description you defined when you created the key.

Key Description (Filter field)

  • To search for a key, begin typing its description in this field. Cardknox refreshes the list to display the relevant results.

Key Type (Column)

  • This column displays the key type you chose when you created the key.

Key Type (Filter field)

  • To search for a key by its type, type either “API” or “iFields” in this field. Cardknox refreshes the list to display the relevant results.


  • Click this button to open the Edit a Key pop-up for the associated key. See the “Edit a Key” section below.


  • Click this button to create a copy of the associated key, which you can then edit. See the “Copy a Key” section.


  • Click this button to delete the associated key. Use this command with caution; if any software is using the key, it will no longer work. See the “Delete a Key” section below.

Add a Key

  1. Click the Create a Key button.

  2. On the pop-up, define the following fields: Keys Field Pop Up

  3. Click the Create and View button to save.

Edit a Key

Note that editing a key does not change the assembly of characters and numbers that make up the unique key. Instead, you can change the key’s description, permissions, and allowed IP addresses.

  1. For the key you want to edit, select its Edit icon . This opens the Edit a Key pop-up.

  2. Edit a KeyThe Edit a Key pop-up contains the same fields as the Create a Key pop-up, except that the Type field is not editable.

  3. Make changes to the key’s description, permission, or allowed IPs. For more information, see the field descriptions in the “Add a Key” section.

  4. Click the Save Changes button.

Copy a Key

When you copy a key, Cardknox duplicates the key in every way, except it generates a different key (i.e., the unique assembly of text and numbers). Since the copy steps are very similar to creating a key, use the “Add a Key” steps as a reference.

  1. For the key you want to copy, click its Duplicate icon. Cardknox opens the Create a Key pop-up with the fields prefilled based on the key you used.

  2. Change the Description field so that it is unique.

  3. If necessary, make changes to the key permission or allowed IPs.

  4. Click the Create and View button to save.

Delete a Key

Before you delete a key, make certain that none of your organization’s software is using the key to access Cardknox.

  1. For the key you want to delete, click its Delete icon. Cardknox displays a warning message, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Send Payment Request

Use this section to change the email text that gets sent to a customer with the Send Payment Request feature. You can also change the default setting of the checkbox that allows the payee to adjust the amount due.

Send Payment Request Email

  • You can add, remove, or change the text that displays in the email’s Subject line or in the body of the email.

  • Tip:Reset button.

  • You can insert placeholders for variable information such as invoice number, name, etc. Cardknox automatically fills in the appropriate information when sending the email.

  • The available placeholders are:

    • [company] – Inserts your company’s business name.

    • [invoice] – Inserts the invoice number associated with the request for payment.

    • [name] – Inserts the customer’s name.

    • [link] – Inserts the PaymentSITE website address that is specific to this customer’s payment request.

  • Before saving your changes, you can send a test email:

  1. Click the Send Test Email button. Cardknox displays a pop-up.

  2. Type your email address in the To email field.

  3. Optionally, you can change the From email and From company fields.

  4. Click the Send Email button to send the test email.

Allow User To Adjust Amount Checkbox Unchecked By Default

  • This checkbox controls the default setting for the Allow User To Adjust Amount checkbox that is displayed on the Send Payment Request screen:

    • If this box is selected, the Allow User To Adjust Amount checkbox is unchecked by default.

    • If this box is not selected, the Allow User To Adjust Amount checkbox is checked by default.

Setup MFA

With Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA), you can feel more secure about your Merchant Portal account. MFA adds another layer of security beyond the standard login with a password.

Once you enable MFA for your account, if the system detects a login problem, the user must type in a code to complete the login process.

To use MFA for your Merchant Portal account:

  1. You (as the Cardknox administrator) need to install an MFA app. (Some examples are Authy, Google Authenticator, and LastPass Authenticator.)

  2. Turn on MFA (Settings > Setup MFA) and perform a one-time configuration step.

  3. Instruct other Merchant Portal users to install an MFA app.

How MFA Works When Logging In

  1. While logging in, the user types in an incorrect password.

  2. If Cardknox detects a suspicious login, it displays a message asking the user to type in the code currently shown on their MFA app (, Authy, Google Authenticator, etc.).

  3. The user types in the code and clicks Confirm Sign-in, and the system logs the user in.

Reset Password

Resetting your password is easy in the Customer Portal - just hit the “Reset Password” button and Cardknox will send the email associated with your account an email with a verification code.

Enter the code we send you and your new password and hit the “Save new Password” button

You will get a confirmation popup when the process is complete.

Cardknox Beta Portal

Reset Password

Resetting your password is easy in the Customer Portal - just hit the “Reset Password” button and Cardknox will send the email associated with your account an email with a verification code.

Enter the code we send you and your new password and hit the “Save new Password” button

You will get a confirmation popup when the process is complete.

Cardknox Beta Portal

You can try out new Portal features before they are released to all users. When we release a beta version of the Portal, you will be alerted in Notifications. To access the beta version, click on the link in the announcement:

Another way to access the beta version is to click on “Enter Beta Portal” to the right of your username.

If you change your mind and want to switch back to the previous version, click on “Leave Beta Portal” to the right of your username.

Last updated