Apple Pay Features


In this section we will describe the new Apple Pay features supported by Cardknox. Please note that every feature is supported starting with certain iOS version. This means that if you requesting a feature (Recurring for example) and it requires iOS 15.4 - Apple Pay button will be shown on consumer devices with iOS 15.4+

Available Features

  • Address Validation

  • Support Recurring

  • Support Subscription - For subscriptions you have to follow Apple Pay Guidelines

In order to take advantage of any new feature Cardknox supports, you need to request it through ApplePayRequest endpoint. The requiredFeatures object contains features from the Available Features list.


Feature Code

Address Validation


Support Recurring


Support Subscription


Apple Pay Request example

initAP: function() {
  return {
    buttonOptions: this.buttonOptions,
    merchantIdentifier: "<your merchant>",
    requiredFeatures: [APRequiredFeatures.address_validation, APRequiredFeatures.support_recurring],
    requiredBillingContactFields: ['postalAddress', 'name', 'phone', 'email'],
    requiredShippingContactFields: ['postalAddress', 'name', 'phone', 'email'],

Last updated