iOS SDK - Technical Guide
Last updated
Last updated
This document helps developers to set up and integrate Cardknox Payments SDK into Objective C and Swift projects. The document contains steps for framework integration, required settings setup and import of SDK headers.
The SDK is distributed as a .framework
contains the CardknoxPaymentsSDK
binary and ObjectiveC
headers describing the SDK API
The CardknoxPaymentsSDK
does not contain bitcode
and cannot be integrated with applications that require bitcode
only supports arm64
64-bit architecture for device builds. Simulator targets are not supported.
SDK minimum deployment target is 14.0
Download the zip file with CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework. Links for downloading framework files can find in iOS SDK - Get Started section.
Extract CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework from downloaded .zip file.
Copy the downloaded .framework file to the root of your project (for example, alongside the xcodeproj file):
Open the General
under the application Target
. Find the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
section. Click on the +
icon for adding a framework to the project.
icon opens the dialog screen for adding framework. On dialog click on Add Other
dropbox, which opens a menu. On the menu click on Add files...
Add files...
opens Choose frameworks and libraries to add dialog. On dialog find the root folder of the project and select CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework
After adding the framework, the CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework
must be in the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
section. Pay attention to the value in the Embed
column. The value must be Embed & Sign
Also after adding the framework, the CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework
must be in Link Binary With Libraries and Embed Frameworks
sections. Link Binary With Libraries
and Embed Frameworks
sections are in the Build Phases
tab, under the application Target
The Cardknox SDK doesn’t support bitcode. To disable Bitcode follow these steps:
Click on your application target. Choose Build Settings
> All
The CardknoxPaymentsSDK
framework contains an Info.plist
file which contains various key/value pairs that are required by the framework, for example, it defines a NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
key with a value similar to “Bluetooth is required to find, connect to and transfer data between a card reader and the app"
The application that is using the CardknoxPaymentsSDK
framework also defines an Info.plist
file with its own key/value pairs
The goal is to merge the framework Info.plist
file with the application Info.plist
in order to avoid runtime errors in the CardknoxPaymentsSDK
framework code due to missing key/values. XCode
doesn't perform any merges automatically.
Note that if there are identical keys present in the application Info.plist
and in the framework Info.plist
files, such as the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
key; the value defined in the application Info.plist for that key will have priority during the merge; making it easy to override values in the framework Info.plist
To merge the two files, define a Run Script
step in the XCode
application Target's Build Phases
section and run the PlistBuddy
tool, as following:
Delete the Type a script...
contents of the input box and add the following command
This section shows how to use the CardknoxPaymentsSDK
in Objective C and Swift code. For Objective C it’s sufficient to reference the main SDK header. For Swift, an umbrella header is required to wrap the main SDK header into a Swift compatible format.
For Objective C applications - reference the CardknoxPaymentsSDK
main header file in your code with #import "CardknoxPaymentsSDK/CardknoxPaymentsSDK.h"
For Swift applications - an umbrella header needs to be created and referenced by your application Target
in order to properly embed the framework into your app. To create the umbrella header, follow the steps:
Clear all text in the header file
Navigate to your target’s Build Settings
> All
Set the Enable Bitcode
option to No
in the Build Options
Add a new Run Script
step to Build Phases
Make sure that the Run Script
step is the last step, below other steps (Compile Sources
, Embed Frameworks
, etc.). You can reposition steps by dragging up and down:
Expand the Run Script
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "merge CardknoxPaymentsSDK.framework/Info.plist" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_PATH}"
Create a new header file in the Target folder via File menu > New... > File.... Choose Header File option. For example, the name might be: iOS.Swift.SampleApp-Bridging-Header.h
Add #import "CardknoxPaymentsSDK/CardknoxPaymentsSDK.h"
into the header file
Find the Objective-C Bridging Header
option in the Swift Compiler - General
section and set its value to be the relative path to the header file. For example, an application target named iOS.Swift.SampleApp
will have the iOS.Swift.SampleApp/iOS.Swift.SampleApp-Bridging-Header.h
path specified. The assumption is that the header file is in the Target
folder, side by side the info.plist